DWI charges in Michigan, commonly referred to as a drunk driving, are actually very complex. There are several attorneys across the nation that have specialized in defending DWI charges. Insofar as whether this a DUI, DWI, or an OWI, these terms are just acronyms for the charge. Under Michigan statutory provisions, it is properly known as an OWI, which stands for "operating while intoxicated." This is the more serious offense, while OWVI (operating while visibly impaired) is the less serious offense. Both charges qualify as drunk driving convictions and qualify as very serious offenses under Michigan's drunk driving laws. A conviction can result in loss of liberty, cancellation of your automobile insurance, and professional licensing sanctions for doctors, lawyers, and those in the insurance industry, amongst others.
The penalties for a 1st time Michigan DWI offense include the following:You should not accept a plea down from OWI to OWVI unless you are absolutely convinced that you have no defense or have nothing to lose from a guilty plea except money, driving privileges, and loss of liberty for as little as 93 days and upwards of 5 years in prison.
I have 20 years of experience fighting Michigan DWI charges. I have fought more Michigan drunk driving charges than any other lawyer in the State of Michigan. I focus on discovering evidence that will help you beat a Michigan DWI charge, motions that will cripple the prosecutor's case against you, and taking cases to trial before a jury. I have been an active member of the National College for DUI Defense since 2005, and I have learned the science and strategies that you need in your corner fighting a Michigan DWI charge. A Michigan drunk driving charge is serious, and your immediate concern should be how to select the right DWI lawyer for your case.What my clients are saying about me:
"I was charged with OWI 3d, after reviewing tapes and reports Mr Maze filed numerous motions on my behalf, the charges were dismissed in both the local and county courts. He is the most honest and intelligent lawyer I have ever worked with. Cost for the case were exactly what he told me from the beginning, Thank You Mr. Maze"-former client